Apply for Membership

Please select the type of membership for which you are applying

Active Members:
  1. Sole Propietor
  2. Partnership – a general partner and active in the day-to-day management.
  3. Corporation – individual who is owner of not less than 25% of the corporate stock and is active inthe day-to-day management.

Sustaining Members:

There shall be three categories of corporate sustaining members:

  1. Those in corporate management positions of organizations who subscribe to the objectives of women business owners of north florida, inc., and wish to lend support.
  2. Those in management positions of non-profit institutions, foundations and associations who subscribe to the objectives of women business owners of north florida, inc. and wish to lend support.
  3. Those in elected positions of governmental agencies who subscribe to the objectives of women business owners of north florida, inc. and wish to lend support.